New developments in corporate administration, internal governance and risk management
15.12.20The CSSF published new circulars on central administration, internal governance and risk management. It now creates a regime applicable to investment firms subject to CSSF Circular 20/758 separate from that of credit institutions and professionals carrying out lending operations which will remain subject to CSSF Circular 12/552.
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New weekly questionnaire to Investment Fund Managers
16.04.20Considering the current period of market turbulence due to the Covid-19, the CSSF issues a weekly questionnaire to investment fund managers (IFMs).
The objective of this questionnaire is to provide the CSSF with weekly updates on financial data (total net assets, subscriptions and redemptions) and an update on governance arrangements in relation to the activities performed by IFMs established in Luxembourg or in other European/non-European countries and managing at least one UCITS, AIF and/or any other UCI (not qualifying as AIF) in view of the specific circumstances and risks to which these companies are exposed to during the current period.
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State of emergency declared in Luxembourg - Special measures applicable to the holding of meetings in Luxembourg companies
22.03.20On 20 March 2020, the Luxembourg Government adopted a Grand-Ducal Regulation introducing measures concerning the holding of meetings in companies and other legal persons ("the Regulation") following the declaration of a state of emergency adopted on 18 March 2020 with regard to the "Coronavirus" ("Covid-19") pandemic.
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Coronavirus - Information
22.03.20Dear clients,
Following the developments surrounding COVID-19, and for your well-being and that of our employees and their families, we have decided that it is more prudent to work from home with immediate effect. All our employees are equipped with all the tools / technologies to work effectively from home. We will continue to offer the highest level of performance, availability and safety.
We also ask our teams to work with clients only through digital channels. We no longer receive visitors in our offices and our employees will no longer attend meetings. All appointments will be moved or converted to video conferencing.
We wish you a lot of strength and energy for the coming weeks. Respect the protective measures put in place. Good courage and take good care of yourself and your loved ones.
We remain mobilized and at your disposal.
Kindest regards,FIDUPAR
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