On 6 February 2024 the CSSF published Circular CSSF 24/853 revising the framework of the long form report applicable to investment firms (the “IF”) and amending the scope of application of Circular CSSF 03/113 regarding the practical rules for IFs’ Réviseurs d'Entreprises Agréés (REA) in investment firms .

The purpose of the circular is to introduce the key aspects of the revised long form report (the revised LFR) that will apply for the financial year ending 31 December 2023 for the first time for a sample of investment firms, namely all non-SNI IFR investment firms incorporated under Luxembourg law, including their branches and certain SNI IFR investment firms incorporated under Luxembourg law, including their branches (In-Scope Class 3 IF).

Class 3 IF that are out of scope of the revised LFR are required to submit the long form report drawn up in accordance with Circular CSSF 03/113 for the financial year ending 31 December 2023. As from the financial year ending after 31 December 2023, all investment firms will be subject to the revised LFR.

Further details can be found here, with the document attached under "here"



